Posted in Love Notes


I try so hard to hold onto to the
feeling I get when I look at you.
I snap pictures of you when
you aren’t paying attention.
The pics don’t come close though.
It’s beyond the stillness.
Its the energy, the connection, the love!
I see it all when I look at you.

Posted in Quotes For The Soul


We have to remember that we all have different journeys and being in relationship with someone in any capacity requires us to slow down and sometimes stop completely to allow them to take their exits while also not missing yours. You’ll still walk the same path at times but without being each other’s roadblocks. Life’s journey will have enough of those.

“Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” —Izaak Walton

Posted in Love Notes


We intentionally took our time so our kisses
are full of tenderness and deep intimacy
instead of lust mixed with confusion.
Holding hands is now second nature and
random long hugs while waiting in a line
feels like we’re not even in this world
as we rest comfortably in the safety
we grew in the truth of each other.

Posted in Quotes For The Soul

Quotes For The Soul: Possession

I don’t ever want to possess you, pick you like a flower, or put you in a jar like a firefly just because I admire your light. That wouldn’t be fair to your existence if I truly care about you, and I do. My hope is to experience you for a very long time. But within that very hope lies my challenge. I must consciously be in the now of you instead of letting my ego create fears that whisk me away into stories of an end that is not here, near and may never come.

Ermias said you can’t possess people, you can only experience them. And I’ m so grateful I got to experience such a man.” -Lauren London

Posted in Love Notes


This thing between us is powerful.
Immensely palpable, nearly tangible.
I think I can actually strum the
string that pulls us together.
It seems to keep us tethered
even when we’re miles apart.
And in those moments we share the
same space, we explode without
breaking into a million pieces as this
thing also inexplicably keeps us whole.