Posted in Love Notes


You have to be willing to endure
the risks that accompany unguarded
vulnerability because the rewards
your heart may receive are far greater.
There’s just an immeasurable beauty
that comes with being unafraid
to throw caution to the wind and
simply follow the path love flows.

Posted in Love Notes


Interesting how we seem to find ourselves when we lose people.
Why do we find our rhythm at the end of relationships?
Because we also lose ourselves before losing that person.
The key is to never lose your rhythm while coexisting and it’s possible.
You just have hold onto you a bit harder than to you hold onto them.

Posted in Quotes For The Soul


We have to remember that we all have different journeys and being in relationship with someone in any capacity requires us to slow down and sometimes stop completely to allow them to take their exits while also not missing yours. You’ll still walk the same path at times but without being each other’s roadblocks. Life’s journey will have enough of those.

“Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” —Izaak Walton